Ternyata ..
kenapa memilih ayam kampung Balewer?

Ayam Kampung Organik Berkualitas Tinggi

Belanja Sekarang

Karkas Ayam Kampung

Ternak Ayam Kampung

Peternakan Ayam Kampung Balewer di Ciletuh Kab. Sukabumi Jawa Barat

Proses pengolahan

Tentang Kami

Sejak zaman dahulu, ayam telah menjadi bagian penting dari kehidupan manusia. Selain dagingnya yang lezat dan bergizi, telur ayam juga menjadi sumber protein yang mudah didapatkan. Permintaan ayam kampung dari masyarakat bertambah seiring dengan trend hidup sehat sehingga Balewer tergerak untuk memenuhi kualitas ayam kampung yang memberikan dampak positif untuk kesehatan masyarakat dengan harga terjangkau untuk berbagai kalangan. Sistem pemeliharaan ayam kampung Balewer diinspirasi dari peternakan di Jepang, dimana ternak dipelihara dengan kasih sayang, hidup dalam lingkungan minim polusi, minim stress dengan asupan gizi terbaik, sehingga menghasilkan daging yang enak dan bernutrisi tinggi.


Lihat produk ayam organik berkualitas tinggi dari Balewer.

Several young chickens are perched on a branch with sunlight filtering through the trees, casting a warm glow on their feathers. The background is a blur of greens and browns, suggesting a natural, outdoor environment.
Several young chickens are perched on a branch with sunlight filtering through the trees, casting a warm glow on their feathers. The background is a blur of greens and browns, suggesting a natural, outdoor environment.
A group of chickens is foraging on a grassy area beside a tree. The main focus is a brown chicken with intricate feather patterns standing near the base of the tree. Other chickens are partially visible in the background. The scene conveys a natural and serene outdoor setting.
A group of chickens is foraging on a grassy area beside a tree. The main focus is a brown chicken with intricate feather patterns standing near the base of the tree. Other chickens are partially visible in the background. The scene conveys a natural and serene outdoor setting.
A brown chicken with white feathers on its body is standing in a lush, green outdoor environment. The chicken has a red comb and wattles, and there are pinkish flowers and green foliage around it. In the background, there are more plants and a blurred, natural landscape.
A brown chicken with white feathers on its body is standing in a lush, green outdoor environment. The chicken has a red comb and wattles, and there are pinkish flowers and green foliage around it. In the background, there are more plants and a blurred, natural landscape.